Today I can announce that I have taken voluntary redundancy from my long term employer, Regent’s University London. I feel sad but also proud of the accomplishments achieved together, and I am excited about the future. I will be leaving Regent’s shortly, so it’s time to look back.
Matthias is leaving Regent’s? Impossible!
12 years ago I returned to Regent’s into the job I had wanted since I came to the UK in 2002. I was offered it after the untimely death of my predecessor Simon Hamm. Simon’s shoes were very big shoes to fill, and I always felt a very personal obligation to him. He had given me my first job in the UK when no one in my native Germany did. I am reasonable confident that Simon would have approved of my work at Regent’s. I used to check with him on occasion visiting his tree on campus when I was still working on location. Regent’s has the beautiful tradition of planting trees with memorial plaques when staff members die and Simon’s tree has always been an anchor to me.
Thank you, Simon!
We’ll meet again
I will miss my colleagues and friends, and the truly inspirational entrepreneurs in the Regent’s Hive. But I’m also excited by the next chapter which I am about to open up in my life. I will post about this soon, so keep following my blog. I am deeply thankful for the countless moments of joy I felt when working together for a common purpose.
2020 has been a hard year for all of us. Of course, Regent’s went through its trials and tribulations as well. But I have seen the most amazing accomplishments among my students and alumni, my colleagues, my team, the wider university, its executive, and the board. We changed business model in a very short time. We found ways to help students and colleagues succeed, and not lose hope during a global pandemic. And that we were able to rescue the university in its most perilous time has been nothing but extraordinary. My sadness is truly balanced by pride in our accomplishments.
Let’s see what’s out there!
My life is taking me down a different path now. I will watch from afar the amazing feats Regent’s will achieve as part of the Galileo group. This partnership was the right step for the university to take. For me it’s time to bow out and be on my way to pursue another path. I will always remember the Regent’s family fondly, and how much they made me who I am today.
From the bottom of my heart – thank you!
PS: Stay tuned, because I’ll have more to tell about what I’ll do next.
Matthias Regents will be less of a place without you. You were one of the stalwarts at Regents who always had time to chat with the staff. I will always remember when you first arrived young fresh faces and keen to look after the students a that you were responsible for. On a more personal note I do think that they will miss you. So it’s and end of another era when a loyal senior member of staff takes voluntary redundancy. So I know that you have something in mind and that your future is bright and that you will succeed in everything you do.
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für alles, was du tust, viel Glück, Lebewohl, adieu
From your age 12 self to the bearded hipster you became! I know it will be a wrench for you to leave and your commitment picking up from your predecessor was amazing. You were my mentor when I started out as Head at UH and welcomed me onto site to show me around, sit in on your team meeting etc – for that support I will always be truly appreciative. Can’t wait to hear what you are doing next and hope you stay in our world.
I will be sad to see you go, but all the same know that you will be on a new adventure that will be towards a great goal.
It is really lovely to read your thoughts as you leave.
I wish you all the best,
Thank you, Matthias, for taking me down memory lane in your post. Simon was a wonderful person and a great friend. I remember he joined EBS the same week that I did – back in the last century! Regents leaves its mark on those who serve it well, and you certainly did. When you look back or walk through its leafy surrounds, there will be a smile on your face.
Your willingness to learn and enthusiasm will be a great asset wherever you turn to next. I wish you all the very best and I look forward to seeing which door now opens for you.
Thank you so much, Mohamed – you are the only person still around from my original interview panel, since we lost both Simon and Richard – so this means a lot to me. I guess it will be a while until I get a chance to walk around Regent’s for a while, but knowing it’s there fills me with warmth. I’ll need all the enthusiasm I can muster for the next project(s), so thank you, I’ll run with that.
You will be missed there Matthias your impact on the lives of so many – colleagues and students has no doubt been phenomenal. All the Best for your future endeavours – they will be a great success I have no doubt.
Thanks, Tonya, unlike Simon who missed it sadly, I get to see how many people seem to think so. And I am so grateful for this. I think it’ll take some time to get what I’m doing to work – but I’ll do my best, sharing both positives and negatives. 🙂
Hi Matthias, this is great news for you … There’s a great saying ‘You know it’s time to go when you have sealed your footprint solidly in the sand.’ Well, it’s fair to say that as colleagues (former and present) we’ve all seen you do that at Regent’s.
Wishing you every success with your next adventure. You’re a winner! And one of the true gems from Regent’s Real Alumni… Nice to see messages from some of the other great gems too! Stay safe y’all.
Best wishes,
Karinna Beber
Thanks, Karinna – I think I came back to help solidify Simon’s footprint, but stayed to add my own underneath his. Thank you for the kind words – I’ll do my best not to disappoint. 🙂
I wasn’t expecting that – end of an era indeed! I’ll always be thankful for your help and mentoring through some tricky territory at Regents. She’s a funny old place, hope the new owners take care of her. Good luck with the next step in your career.
Oh, Karen, how lovely of you to get in touch. I hope you’re doing well, and thank you for saying so – I often think back to the days when we were working at EBS/RBS.
Hi Matthias
A message from afar. I was also surprised at this news of your departure from Regents. New journeys are often a cocktail of eager anticipation mixed with varying degrees of anxiety. I hope the next chapter for you will be more the former and less the latter. I always remember you as someone who had something engagingly different to say.
Travel well
That is long ago indeed. Which unit at Regent’s were you in? Registry, IPO? So many people from the ‘olden days’ have been in touch – it’s really … touching. 🙂
Sorry to hear you are moving on Matthias – I remember our occasional catchups at Regents with fondness, and appreciate all the help and advice you have shared over the years through many AGR / PlaceNet / City / NASES conversations. Good luck with the new chapter!
Thanks Gary, so do I. It’s not the end, but a new beginning for me, and I was actually about to get in touch, since we once, long ago talked about the transition from ‘industry’ into ‘academia’. I’m working on a small project with someone on this topic, so if I may I’ll send you a note with a Zoom meeting link soon.
Matthias – although our paths or voices (!) only crossed once on a LinkedIn webinar, I really enjoyed your contributions and want to wish you the very, very best for the future as you move on from Regent’s.
Wish you all the best and while sorry to hear you will not be part of Regent’s I am looking forward to hear more about your journey.
You may not recollect but your support to me started even before I started my MBA :). On my way to the campus for my induction having just landed a few hours ago to London I was lost trying to figure out the entrance to the campus where you happen to just be passing by. I stopped you for direction and and you led me straight to the campus. Very fond start to a support that continued for the entirety of my MBA and even after.
Best wishes Matthias. I have fond memories of RBS. In biological and career terms, if we do not grow, we atrophy! If your travels take you to Toronto or the world of self-employment, look me up.
Hello Gary, I’ve heard from so many colleagues from the great old days at RBS. It’ll probably be a while until I travel anywhere, but I’ll certainly will be move into the world of self-employment, so yeah, let’s catch up. IM me on LinkedIn, if you want to chat.
Dear Matthias, dear friends and colleagues of Matthias,
being (the younger of the two of his) elder brother(s) I am naturally less astute in the world of blog posts. But I can’t miss this one. Having closely watched Matthias’ devotion to Regents over the years, and also his recent deep thoughts and moves, I can reassure you all that something interesting will be coming next from him.
All the best for you, Brother! (and assuming Star Fleet and German Army being allies – Brother in Arms!)
I don’t think I can really add anything here, since this comment really combined family history with personal and professional history. 🙂
I can, however, point to my brother’s specific areas of consultancy in development finance, and I’m sure he’s open for the occasional lecture on the topic. Connect to him on LinkedIn if this is your area of interest.
Dear Matthias
You leave a huge hole behind you at Regents, but I know you have thought long and hard about this exciting new move. It has been a privilege to work with you as a colleague, and even more to continue to call you a good friend. I will miss the regular Friday night’s in various Marylebone watering holes, trying to change your mind on cloudy beers, relishing your knowledge of Japanese food and the great trips to Aylesbury. Having seen you in action in the Board Room as a Trustee I have always been impressed by your contributions and commitment to Regents and its students. It was lovely to be reminded of Simon who is greatly missed. I know we will keep in touch in the next stages of your adventure, and I wish you all the best on it. Bon Voyage, Dominic
Oh, Dominic, this means so much to me! If my life is really about being a transnational EU citizen in my outlook, then I think I’ll manage to see you more often than you think. 🙂 Well, once we’ve been all released for any form of travel that is.
Simon gave me my big break, for which I will be eternally thankful. Being on the board – especially in the end, when we had to deal with the impact of Covid – was one of the most exciting professional things I’ve ever done. It will be hard to top that as an experience, so I’m going into a different direction for the moment.
Ah Matthias, how lovely to see your 1872 self, all those years ago. I still remember you joining. How happy Simon was to have someone so willing to help, to learn and to lighten his load. You were a wonderful colleague to Simon and to all of us over the years. Thank you for posting up Simon’s tree – he’d have so loved it wouldn’t he.
I still miss the “Trekkie” days and remember them and you with great fondness.
Good luck with your future plans – I’m looking forward to reading your next adventure! All the best, Carole
Hello Carole, I remember joining – it was this time of year, so the season makes me quite nostalgic. At least the first two years after my return were ‘for Simon’, to secure his legacy. It was a very different time – in every possible way. Simon’s tree (and Richard Gregson’s memorial) is one of the things I will really miss – a focus point for contemplation. Otherwise, I am still trecking, nowadays more than ever, since we’re spending so much more time at home, and everything’s accessible online. All the best, Matthias
Matthias Regents will be less of a place without you. You were one of the stalwarts at Regents who always had time to chat with the staff. I will always remember when you first arrived young fresh faces and keen to look after the students a that you were responsible for. On a more personal note I do think that they will miss you. So it’s and end of another era when a loyal senior member of staff takes voluntary redundancy. So I know that you have something in mind and that your future is bright and that you will succeed in everything you do.
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für alles, was du tust, viel Glück, Lebewohl, adieu
Hello Scott, vielen Dank!
What a sweet note. I hope you’re well.
I’m always open to help out my Regent’s family – I’ll miss them, but I’ll always be there for them.
From your age 12 self to the bearded hipster you became! I know it will be a wrench for you to leave and your commitment picking up from your predecessor was amazing. You were my mentor when I started out as Head at UH and welcomed me onto site to show me around, sit in on your team meeting etc – for that support I will always be truly appreciative. Can’t wait to hear what you are doing next and hope you stay in our world.
I finally got into puberty and grew a beard. 🙂
I always thought I could have done more as a mentor, but I’m so glad you felt supported. That’s what I hoped for.
And yes, I intend to stay in our world, in a way. 🙂
Dear Matthias,
I will be sad to see you go, but all the same know that you will be on a new adventure that will be towards a great goal.
It is really lovely to read your thoughts as you leave.
I wish you all the best,
Thanks, Elif, I’ll be writing more in the future, so I hope I’ll keep you as a reader. 🙂
Really sorry to see you go Matthias. I hope you will keep in touch. I’ve left my personal email below.
Thanks, Lawrence, I always loved how we’d hold up the flag for the humanities together. Happy to stay in touch.
Good luck Matthias
Thanks, Graham, very much appreciated.
Thank you, Matthias, for taking me down memory lane in your post. Simon was a wonderful person and a great friend. I remember he joined EBS the same week that I did – back in the last century! Regents leaves its mark on those who serve it well, and you certainly did. When you look back or walk through its leafy surrounds, there will be a smile on your face.
Your willingness to learn and enthusiasm will be a great asset wherever you turn to next. I wish you all the very best and I look forward to seeing which door now opens for you.
Thank you so much, Mohamed – you are the only person still around from my original interview panel, since we lost both Simon and Richard – so this means a lot to me. I guess it will be a while until I get a chance to walk around Regent’s for a while, but knowing it’s there fills me with warmth. I’ll need all the enthusiasm I can muster for the next project(s), so thank you, I’ll run with that.
All the best, Matthias
You will be missed there Matthias your impact on the lives of so many – colleagues and students has no doubt been phenomenal. All the Best for your future endeavours – they will be a great success I have no doubt.
Thanks, Tonya, unlike Simon who missed it sadly, I get to see how many people seem to think so. And I am so grateful for this. I think it’ll take some time to get what I’m doing to work – but I’ll do my best, sharing both positives and negatives. 🙂
Good luck Matthias! This has brought memories.
Hi Matthias, this is great news for you … There’s a great saying ‘You know it’s time to go when you have sealed your footprint solidly in the sand.’ Well, it’s fair to say that as colleagues (former and present) we’ve all seen you do that at Regent’s.
Wishing you every success with your next adventure. You’re a winner! And one of the true gems from Regent’s Real Alumni… Nice to see messages from some of the other great gems too! Stay safe y’all.
Best wishes,
Karinna Beber
Thanks, Karinna – I think I came back to help solidify Simon’s footprint, but stayed to add my own underneath his. Thank you for the kind words – I’ll do my best not to disappoint. 🙂
I wasn’t expecting that – end of an era indeed! I’ll always be thankful for your help and mentoring through some tricky territory at Regents. She’s a funny old place, hope the new owners take care of her. Good luck with the next step in your career.
I’m full of surprises. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words regarding help and mentoring – I always thought that’s what I was there for, but it’s so nice to read – thank you again!
I think the new ownership structure will be good for the university, it’s already helping it navigate the difficult new environment under Covid.
Good luck in your new venture. You have achieved so much.
Best wishes
Oh, Karen, how lovely of you to get in touch. I hope you’re doing well, and thank you for saying so – I often think back to the days when we were working at EBS/RBS.
Hi Matthias
A message from afar. I was also surprised at this news of your departure from Regents. New journeys are often a cocktail of eager anticipation mixed with varying degrees of anxiety. I hope the next chapter for you will be more the former and less the latter. I always remember you as someone who had something engagingly different to say.
Travel well
Thanks, Anton – ‘engagingly different’ I think I might make that my tagline from now on. 🙂
Nice hear from you – how afar are we talking about?
You may not remember me but I fondly remember you from my time at Regent’s during the early 2000s and wish you all the best!
That is long ago indeed. Which unit at Regent’s were you in? Registry, IPO? So many people from the ‘olden days’ have been in touch – it’s really … touching. 🙂
Sorry to hear you are moving on Matthias – I remember our occasional catchups at Regents with fondness, and appreciate all the help and advice you have shared over the years through many AGR / PlaceNet / City / NASES conversations. Good luck with the new chapter!
Thanks Gary, so do I. It’s not the end, but a new beginning for me, and I was actually about to get in touch, since we once, long ago talked about the transition from ‘industry’ into ‘academia’. I’m working on a small project with someone on this topic, so if I may I’ll send you a note with a Zoom meeting link soon.
Matthias – although our paths or voices (!) only crossed once on a LinkedIn webinar, I really enjoyed your contributions and want to wish you the very, very best for the future as you move on from Regent’s.
Thanks, Derval, that was a good seminar though – and glad that I left a good impression. 🙂
I’m sure we’ll get a chance to cross paths online – and maybe even offline in #OurNewNormal one day.
Hi Matthias,
Wish you all the best and while sorry to hear you will not be part of Regent’s I am looking forward to hear more about your journey.
You may not recollect but your support to me started even before I started my MBA :). On my way to the campus for my induction having just landed a few hours ago to London I was lost trying to figure out the entrance to the campus where you happen to just be passing by. I stopped you for direction and and you led me straight to the campus. Very fond start to a support that continued for the entirety of my MBA and even after.
Again, wish all the best and speak soon.
I do remember you, but I must admit I didn’t remember taking my guidance brief so literal that day. 🙂
It all seems to have worked out for you, I think – which makes me happy!
Best wishes Matthias. I have fond memories of RBS. In biological and career terms, if we do not grow, we atrophy! If your travels take you to Toronto or the world of self-employment, look me up.
Hello Gary, I’ve heard from so many colleagues from the great old days at RBS. It’ll probably be a while until I travel anywhere, but I’ll certainly will be move into the world of self-employment, so yeah, let’s catch up. IM me on LinkedIn, if you want to chat.
Dear Matthias, dear friends and colleagues of Matthias,
being (the younger of the two of his) elder brother(s) I am naturally less astute in the world of blog posts. But I can’t miss this one. Having closely watched Matthias’ devotion to Regents over the years, and also his recent deep thoughts and moves, I can reassure you all that something interesting will be coming next from him.
All the best for you, Brother! (and assuming Star Fleet and German Army being allies – Brother in Arms!)
I don’t think I can really add anything here, since this comment really combined family history with personal and professional history. 🙂
I can, however, point to my brother’s specific areas of consultancy in development finance, and I’m sure he’s open for the occasional lecture on the topic. Connect to him on LinkedIn if this is your area of interest.
Dear Matthias
You leave a huge hole behind you at Regents, but I know you have thought long and hard about this exciting new move. It has been a privilege to work with you as a colleague, and even more to continue to call you a good friend. I will miss the regular Friday night’s in various Marylebone watering holes, trying to change your mind on cloudy beers, relishing your knowledge of Japanese food and the great trips to Aylesbury. Having seen you in action in the Board Room as a Trustee I have always been impressed by your contributions and commitment to Regents and its students. It was lovely to be reminded of Simon who is greatly missed. I know we will keep in touch in the next stages of your adventure, and I wish you all the best on it. Bon Voyage, Dominic
Oh, Dominic, this means so much to me! If my life is really about being a transnational EU citizen in my outlook, then I think I’ll manage to see you more often than you think. 🙂 Well, once we’ve been all released for any form of travel that is.
Simon gave me my big break, for which I will be eternally thankful. Being on the board – especially in the end, when we had to deal with the impact of Covid – was one of the most exciting professional things I’ve ever done. It will be hard to top that as an experience, so I’m going into a different direction for the moment.
Ah Matthias, how lovely to see your 1872 self, all those years ago. I still remember you joining. How happy Simon was to have someone so willing to help, to learn and to lighten his load. You were a wonderful colleague to Simon and to all of us over the years. Thank you for posting up Simon’s tree – he’d have so loved it wouldn’t he.
I still miss the “Trekkie” days and remember them and you with great fondness.
Good luck with your future plans – I’m looking forward to reading your next adventure! All the best, Carole
Hello Carole, I remember joining – it was this time of year, so the season makes me quite nostalgic. At least the first two years after my return were ‘for Simon’, to secure his legacy. It was a very different time – in every possible way. Simon’s tree (and Richard Gregson’s memorial) is one of the things I will really miss – a focus point for contemplation. Otherwise, I am still trecking, nowadays more than ever, since we’re spending so much more time at home, and everything’s accessible online. All the best, Matthias
Thank you for everything, you had my back when I needed it. I hope you will enjoy your new adventure and all the best for the future.
Thank you, Norma, and nice to hear from you. I’m always happy when I can help people and I hope I did enough back then. I hope you are well.
Stay tuned, details of the new adventure coming up.
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