Long time (ago) readers would know that I’m mostly sharing my perspectives on career skills and digital innovation on these
Posted in Role-playing games Tagged with: career, role-playing, skills
Twitter used to be my go-to service. There were times when I valued Twitter more than LinkedIn for building professional
Posted in Commentary, Social Media Tagged with: social media
Are universities still an attractive place to work and is it worth moving from the private sector? I have been
Posted in Uncategorized
What changes higher education institutions need to make to produce remote work ready graduates who can adapt to our new normal.
Posted in Education & Employability, Work life
What societal changes we need to make to widen access to remote work, and to make it a sustainable pillar of our post-Covid economies.
Posted in Talks, Work life
Bath-time musings about performance reviews. In short, they should look very different – with a practical example.
Posted in Work life
It has been over a month and as announced I have now left the UK for the Republic of Ireland.
Posted in Uncategorized
My father was a true European My history with the UK is as old as its membership in the European
Posted in #Brexit, Commentary
Today I can announce that I have taken voluntary redundancy from my long term employer, Regent’s University London. I feel
Posted in Commentary, Work life