This was over more quickly than I had thought. I started #Juneathon with a run on Sunday (5k) with my significant other, mindful not to overindulge – which had brought me into trouble last year.
Monday was a challenge – I hadn’t trained Brazilian jiu-jitsu in a while, and after 90 minutes I was well exhausted. But my brilliant training partner John could convince me for one more round on the mat, making it the full distance.
Tuesday was resistance training – weights. New rules of lifting, basic training four. I’ve been working through the basic workouts for months now, almost reprogramming well practiced movement patterns with exercises focusing on things like: dynamic stabilisation (anti-extension). Yes, that’s a thing.
Wednesday was another run, again 5k, again with my significant other.
It was a busy week, with a number of late nights, so on Thursday, I decided to recover: 30 minutes of stretching and then some foam rolling prepared me for Friday’s no-gi (no funny white suit) Brazilian jiu-jitsu workout. I’ll be going to my German jiu-jitsu school later this month for a week’s training – culminating in a one day seminar; so I’m prioritising my martial arts training, as not to look too silly then.
Saturday was my second weights workout – weirdest exercises were one-legged planks, and weighted T-pushups – oh, and goblet reverse lunges. I’m glad not have fallen over during any of these.
I closed the week with another 5k with the SO. So far, so good. I’ve only got some minor elbow pain, and a lightly sore knee. Nothing that required any attention or treatment. I’ll be careful, but clearly will go into the second week fully motivated.